The Role of Influencers in Marketing Strategies
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Influencer, Social Media, MarketingAbstract
Thanks to the developing technology, consumers can easily reach everything they want, think and even dream about. With the development of the Internet, social media has become an indispensable part of people's daily lives. Influencers, who are included in the daily life flow with social media, have a great impact on consumers' shopping decisions. Many consumers act on the recommendation of the influencers they follow on social media. They only buy the products recommended by the influencers they follow, or they follow the campaigns of the companies through these influencers. In terms of marketing strategies, the effect of influencer marketing is very strong on consumers. Influencer marketing positively affects consumers' purchasing decisions. Today, the importance of social media tools has gradually increased and has become one of the essential elements of communication strategies in the life of a medium consumer. With the emergence of social media, brands are collaborating with influencers in marketing. The primary purposes of the brands include reaching the target consumer through the influencer channel they have chosen and carrying the cultural meaning identified with the image of those influencers to their brands. Today, brands are turning to influencers rather than famous people. This is due to consumers' trust in third parties. Because consumers are not businesses, they believe more in the advice of people they trust, know, and know. At this point, influencers act like friends who connect the brand to particular consumers. Influencers do not only affect their followers; they also announce the brand by influencing their followers. Influencers attract followers to the brand's website, increase the brand's visibility on social media, and increase the likelihood of purchasing by conveying their experiences and suggestions. In this research, the importance of Influencer marketing, which is one of the strategies frequently preferred by companies thanks to the changing and developing marketing, is examined in terms of marketing and its effects on the market. It has been seen that influencers have social impact in different contexts. It is thought that trust and sincerity create the bonds between the source and the consumer's mind, and that these bonds create the effect that will bring the brands to their marketing goals and provide the desired purchase intention.
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