The Relationship Between Cynicism, Cyberloafing and Work Alienation

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Organizational cynicism, work alienation, virtual shirking


As an undeniable necessity of the age of technology, organizations are experiencing the process of digitalization. In particular, internet and information technologies are used intensively in organizations as in all areas of life. While these transformations reshape the traditional paradigms in organizations, the organizational conveniences obtained in parallel with the use of technology have also brought some difficulties. One of these challenges is cyberloafing, which is defined as secretly participating in non-work-related online activities during working hours. Although seemingly harmless, cyberloafing has far-reaching detrimental effects for both employees and organizations. In this context, understanding the underlying psychological and organizational factors that contribute to cyberloafing is an imperative endeavor for organizations seeking to cultivate a motivated and focused workforce. In this study, the effects of organizational cynicism and work alienation on cyberloafing were examined. In the study, 362 employees employed in different sectors were included and data were collected through self-report scales. The data obtained were analyzed using SPSS 26.00 and linear regression analysis was performed to test the hypotheses. According to the findings of the study, organizational cynicism and work alienation increase cyberloafing. Based on these findings, it is recommended that organizations should develop a organizational culture to prevent cynicism and work alienation and make strategic plans for training or activities in this context.


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How to Cite

Çetin, Z. (2023). The Relationship Between Cynicism, Cyberloafing and Work Alienation. Artikel International Journal of Social Science, 1(2), 93–106.


